Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Announcements for he Week

BSI Question of the Week

Question of the Week is on Chanukah vacation.  Check back on January 10! 

Weekly Calendar

Tueday night, December 20
Light the first Chanukah candle - find theblessings here.

Wednesday, December 21

Friday, December 23
Chanukah Shabbat Services and Dinner, 6:00pm

Sunday, December 25

Things to think about

BSI Winter Break
Enjoy your break everyone.  We look forward to seeing you in 2012 when school resumes on January 11.

Chanukah Shabbat Service and Dinner Celebration, December 23
For this year’s celebration of Chanukah, our annual Latke dinner will feature Chinese food as the main course.  A time honored tradition made new!  Join us on December 23 at 6:00 pm for services followed by a scrumptious dinner.  RSVP TODAY!

Camp Ramah Darom Scholarships
Scholarship money for new and returning campers at Ramah Darom is available from the B’nai Zion Helen Hanan Memorial Scholarship Fund.  If you are interested, please contact Jason for an application.

Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Question of the Week

In the Talmud, Hillel and Shammai have a great distpute on how to light the Chanukah menorah.

Hillel said that on the first night we light one, on the second, two, and so on, till eight on the eighth night. 

Shammai held the reverse opinion; namely, on the first night, light eight lights, and proceed, diminishing the number of lights by one each night, to just one light on the final night of Chanukah.

Whose ruling do we follow today:  Hillel or Shammai?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, December 14
BSI, 4:30pm
for 1st through 7th Grade 

Saturday, December 17
Junior Congregation, 10:00am

Sunday, December 18
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

YES, there is Jr. Congregation this week!
We hope all 3rd to 6th graders will join us for Junior Congregation this Shabbat, Dec. 17.

BSI Winter Break
This Wednesday will be our last class of 2011.  We look forward to seeing you in 2012 when school resumes on January 11.

Camp Ramah Darom Scholarships
Scholarship money for new and returning campers at Ramah Darom is available from the B’nai Zion Helen Hanan Memorial Scholarship Fund.  If you are interested, please contact Jason for an application.

Get to Know Raoul!
Raoul Molnar, the community shaliach, is interested in getting to know the families in Chattanooga. Please email Raoul  orVicki Cathcart to schedule a dinner, lunch or outing. We appreciate helping Raoul be a part of our community.

Chanukah Shabbat Service and Dinner Celebration, December 23
For this year’s celebration of Chanukah, our annual Latke dinner will feature Chinese food as the main course.  A time honored tradition made new!  Join us on December 23 at 6:00 pm for services followed by a scrumptious dinner.  RSVP to Marcia by 12/20.

Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Question of the Week

In May 2012, B'nai Zion Congregation will celebrate it's birthday.  How old will the congregation be?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, December 7
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade 

Sunday, December 11
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

YES, there is Jr. Congregation this week!
We hope all 3rd to 6th graders will join us for Junior Congregation this Shabbat, Dec. 10.

Camp Ramah Darom Scholarships
Scholarship money for new and returning campers at Ramah Darom is available from the B’nai Zion Helen Hanan Memorial Scholarship Fund.  If you are interested, please contact Jason for an application.

Get to Know Raoul!
Raoul Molnar, the community shaliach, is interested in getting to know the families in Chattanooga. Please email Raoul  orVicki Cathcart to schedule a dinner, lunch or outing. We appreciate helping Raoul be a part of our community.

Chanukah Shabbat Service and Dinner Celebration, December 23
For this year’s celebration of Chanukah, our annual Latke dinner will feature Chinese food as the main course.  A time honored tradition made new!  Join us on December 23 at 6:00 pm for services followed by a scrumptious dinner.  RSVP to Marcia by 12/20.

Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Question of the Week

On what HEBREW date does Chanukah begin?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, November 30
BSI, 4:30pm
for students 1st through 7th Grade

Sunday, December 4
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

No Jr. Congregation on Dec. 3
There will be no Junior Congregation Service this week, Dec. 3.  We hope to see everyone back on 12/10!

Camp Ramah Darom Scholarships
Scholarship money for new and returning campers at Ramah Darom is available from the B’nai Zion Helen Hanan Memorial Scholarship Fund.  If you are interested, please contact Jason for an application.

Get to Know Raoul!
Raoul Molnar, the community shaliach, is interested in getting to know the families in Chattanooga. Please email Raoul  or Vicki Cathcart to schedule a dinner, lunch or outing. We appreciate helping Raoul be a part of our community.

Chanukah Shabbat Service and Dinner Celebration, December 23
For this year’s celebration of Chanukah, our annual Latke dinner will feature Chinese food as the main course.  A time honored tradition made new!  Join us on December 23 at 6:00 pm for services followed by a scrumptious dinner.  RSVP to Marcia by 12/20.

Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Question of the Week

On what date was the state of Israel established? (Month and day, please!)

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, November 16
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade
Dinner at 6:00pm

Friday, November 18
Family Shabbat Service, 5:30pm
FREE Shabbat Dinner, 6:15pm
Late Shabbat Service, 7:00pm

Saturday, November 19
Junior Congregation, 10am

Sunday, November 20
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

Customize your Shabbat Experience on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat service:
5:30pm - Family Shabbat Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - FREE Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Late Shabbat Service led by Rabbi Cantor
We hope you can join us for this fun Shabbat evening filled with ruach and community.  Thanks to our sponsors there is no charge for the meal! However, you must RSVP for dinner. Please email your RSVPs to Marcia.

Get to Know Raoul!
Raoul Molnar, the community shaliach, is interested in getting to know the families in Chattanooga. Please email Raoul  orVicki Cathcart to schedule a dinner, lunch or outing. We appreciate helping Raoul be a part of our community.

Jr. Congregation News...
Our new, weekly Jr. Congregation at BZ is underway!  We hope that you and your children (grades 3-6) will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Enjoy your Turkey Day!
BSI will not meet on November 23.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and we will see you back in class on November 30!

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Question of the Week

From what Jewish holiday does the term scapegoat come from?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, November 2
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade

Saturday, November 5
Junior Congregation, 10am

Sunday, November 6
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

Special Shabbat Services and Dinner on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat services:
5:30pm - Family Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Traditional Service led by Rabbi Cantor
In an effort to have as many families and congregants attend this new and exciting service, we are asking for sponsorships for the Shabbat dinner. Sponsorship levels are $50 and $100. If you would like to help fill the social hall with ruach and community, please contact Vicki Cathcart at cathcartv@gmail.com today!

Get to Know Raoul!
Raoul Molnar, the community shaliach, is interested in getting to know the families in Chattanooga. Please email Raoul at Israel@jewishchattanooga.com or vcathcart@jewishchattanooga.com to schedule a dinner, lunch or outing. We appreciate helping Raoul be a part of our community.

Jr. Congregation News...
Our new, weekly Jr. Congregation at BZ is underway!  We hope that you and your children (grades 3-6) will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Question of the Week

This week, the new Hebrew month of Heshvan begins.  Why is Heshvan considered a sad or bitter month?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 26
BSI, 4:30pm
for students 1st through 7th Grade

Saturday, October 29
Junior Congregation, 10am

Sunday, October 30
CJCRS, 9:30am
Kadima Bowling, 12:30pm

Things to think about

Special Shabbat Services and Dinner on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat services:
5:30pm - Family Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Traditional Service led by Rabbi Cantor
In an effort to have as many families and congregants attend this new and exciting service, we are asking for sponsorships for the Shabbat dinner. Sponsorship levels are $50 and $100. If you would like to help fill the social hall with ruach and community, please contact Vicki Cathcart at cathcartv@gmail.com no later than October 31.

Jr. Congregation News...
Our new, weekly Jr. Congregation at BZ begins this Shabbat, October 29.  We hope that you and your children (grades 3-6) will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 19

Thursday, October 20
Simchat Torah Dinner and Celebration, 6pm

Sunday, October 23

New BSI Question of the Week

Question of the Week is on vacation too!  Check back on October 25.

Things to think about

BZ Simchat Torah Dinner and Celebration: Oct 20 at 6:00pm
Soup, salad and pasta bar dinner followed by dancing and singing with the Torahs!
Adults-$10, ages 8 to 13-$5, ages 2 to 8-$3, under age 2-free

Special Shabbat Services and Dinner on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat services:
5:30pm - Family Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Traditional Service led by Rabbi Cantor
In an effort to have as many families and congregants attend this new and exciting service, we are asking for sponsorships for the Shabbat dinner. Sponsorship levels are $50 and $100. If you would like to help fill the social hall with ruach and community, please contact Vicki Cathcart at cathcartv@gmail.com no later than October 31.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ.  Our weekly Jr. Congregation service will begin on October 29.  We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Question of the Week

In the October B'nai Zion Bulletin, Jason wrote an story about the first Cathcart sukkah.  How many times did it collapse the first year?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar
Wednesday, October 12
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade
Dinner in the Sukkah, 6:30pm

Sunday, October 16

Things to think about

BZ Sukkot services and Dinner in the Sukkah: Oct. 12 at 6:00pm
On Oct. 12, BSI will end early and we'll have a special kids service to welcome the holiday of Sukkot!  At 6:30pm we will join with the entire  congregation for our annual dinner under the stars in the sukkah.

BZ Simchat Torah Dinner and Celebration: Oct 20 at 6:00pm
Soup, salad and pasta bar dinner followed by dancing and singing with the Torahs!
RSVP for dinner to bzmarcia@gmail.com; adults-$10, ages 8 to 13-$5, ages 2 to 8-$3, under age 2-free

Special Shabbat Services and Dinner on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat services:
5:30pm - Family Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Traditional Service led by Rabbi Cantor
In an effort to have as many families and congregants attend this new and exciting service, we are asking for sponsorships for the Shabbat dinner. Sponsorship levels are $50 and $100. If you would like to help fill the social hall with ruach and community, please contact Vicki Cathcart at cathcartv@gmail.com no later than October 31.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ.  Our weekly Jr. Congregation service will begin on October 29.  We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 5
BSI, 4:30pm
for students 1st through 7th Grade

Friday, October 7
Kol Nidre, 6:45pm

Saturday, October 8
Yom Kippur: Junior Congregation, 11:00am

Sunday, October 9
CJCRS, 9:30am
Jew Crew/TYG/USY Sukkah decorating at BZ, 12:15pm

Things to think about

Yom Kippur Junior Congregation: Oct. 8 at 11:00am
Join us for a meaningful prayer experience on Yom Kippur.  For grades 3 to 8.  We will meet in the Chapel.

BZ Sukkot services and Dinner in the Sukkah: Oct. 12 at 6:00pm
On Oct. 12, BSI will end early and we'll have a special kids service to welcome the holiday of Sukkot!  At 6:30pm we will join with the entire  congregation for our annual dinner under the stars in the sukkah.  Please RSVP to bzmarcia@gmail.com by 10/6.

Special Shabbat Services and Dinner on Nov. 18
Join us at BZ on November 18 for a different kind of Shabbat services:
5:30pm - Family Service led by Jason Cathcart
6:15pm - Shabbat Dinner for the congregation
7:00pm - Traditional Service led by Rabbi Cantor
In an effort to have as many families and congregants attend this new and exciting service, we are asking for sponsorships for the Shabbat dinner. Sponsorship levels are $50 and $100. If you would like to help fill the social hall with ruach and community, please contact Vicki Cathcart at cathcartv@gmail.com no later than October 31.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ.  Our weekly Jr. Congregation service will begin on October 29.  We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, September 21
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade

Friday, September 23
Shabbat Mishpacha: New Years theme followed by dinner, 6:00pm

Sunday, September 25
CJCRS, 9:30am


Things to think about

High Holy Day babysitting
B'nai Zion is proud to offer free babysitting for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to our families.  If you plan on sending your child to babysitting this year during the High Holy Days, please emailMarcia Menuskin which days your children will be there.

Shabbat Mishpacha: Friday, Sept. 23 at 6pm
Join Rabbi Cantor as we ring in the 'New Year' at the September Shabbat Mishpacha service.  The dinner menu includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets for the children, etc.  Vegetarian alternative available.  An RSVP is a must!
Please make your reservations by Wednesday, September 21.
Adults: $10.00, Youth 8-13: $5.00, Under 8: $3.00

BSI takes a New Year break
Classes at Beit Sefer Ivri will take a break for Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 28.  We hope to see you at B'nai Zion for Rosh Hashanah services.  Click here to see the High Holy Day schedule of services at BZ for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ.  Our weekly Jr. Congregation service will begin on October 29.  We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations
Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Announcements for the week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, September 14
BSI, 4:30pm
for students 1st through 7th Grade

Friday, September 16
Preschool Shabbat, 5:15pm

Sunday, September 18
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

High Holy Day babysitting
B'nai Zion is proud to offer free babysitting for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to our families. If you plan on sending your child to babysitting this year during the High Holy Days, please email Marcia Menuskin which days your children will be there.

BZ Preschool Shabbat: Friday, Sept. 16 at 5:15pm
Join Jason Cathcart for an informal, interactive Shabbat service for families with children age birth to 5. We’ll learn Shabbat songs and prayers, hear stories and begin our Shabbat together. After the service, we’ll conclude with an age appropriate snack.

Shabbat Mishpacha: Friday, Sept. 23 at 6pm
Join Rabbi Cantor as we ring in the 'New Year' at the September Shabbat Mishpacha service. The dinner menu includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets for the children, etc. Vegetarian alternative available. An RSVP is a must!
Please make your reservations by Wednesday, September 21.
Adults: $10.00, Youth 8-13: $5.00, Under 8: $3.00

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ. Details about the new service and program will be available soon. We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei? Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online! 
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, September 7
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS - Pre K through 12th Grade

Sunday, September 11
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

Shabbat Kiddush Lunch in honor of Eamon McFadden, Sept. 10
You are invited to celebrate with the McFadden and Hochman families the recent bar mitzvah of Eamon McFadden. Eamon's Bar Mitzvah ceremony took place this summer in Jerusalem. Please join us after services on Shabbat, September 10 for a kiddush luncheon in his honor.

BZ Preschool Shabbat: Friday, Sept. 16 at 5:15pm
Join Jason Cathcart for an informal, interactive Shabbat service for families with children age birth to 5. We’ll learn Shabbat songs and prayers, hear stories and begin our Shabbat together. After the service, we’ll conclude with an age appropriate snack.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ. Details about the new service and program will be available soon. We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations
Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei? Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, August 31
BSI, 4:30pm
for students- 1st through 7th Grade

Sunday, September 4

Things to think about

Shabbat Kiddush Lunch in honor of Eamon McFadden, Sept. 10
You are invited to celebrate with the McFadden and Hochman families the recent bar mitzvah of Eamon McFadden. Eamon's Bar Mitzvah ceremony took place this summer in Jerusalem. Please join us after services on Shabbat, September 10 for a kiddush luncheon in his honor.

BZ Preschool Shabbat: Friday, Sept. 16 at 5:15pm
Join Jason Cathcart for an informal, interactive Shabbat service for families with children age birth to 5. We’ll learn Shabbat songs and prayers, hear stories and begin our Shabbat together. After the service, we’ll conclude with an age appropriate snack.

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ. Details about the new service and program will be available soon. We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei? Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar
Wednesday, August 24
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS - Pre K through 12th Grade
Dinner following school at 6:15pm

Friday, August 26
Shabbat Mishpacha/Camp Shabbat 2, 6:00pm

Sunday, August 28
CJCRS at Mizpah, 9:30am
USY Pool Party, 12:45pm

Click here to access our ONLINE Registration forms!
Need us to mail/email you a copy? 
Click here to let us know!

Things to think about
Shabbat Mishpacha/Camp Shabbat 2
Friday, August 26 at 6:00pm
Join us as our children help lead our lively service with Jason Cathcart
Menu: Hamburgers, Hot dogs, etc. Vegetarian alternative available.
Please make your reservations by Wednesday, August 24.
Adults: $10.00, Youth 8-13: $5.00, Under 8: $3.00

USY Pool Party
Sunday, August 28 from 12:45 to 2:30pm
At the home of Stefani Johnson and Gayle Shavin
Food and Friends! Pizza lunch provided. Free of Charge!
We'll also hold a USY meeting to choose a new President.
Click here for a map.
Please RSVP to Jason

Jr. Congregation News...
In an ongoing effort to improve our programs, Jr. Congregation will be held every Shabbat* at BZ. Details about the new service and program will be available soon. We hope that you and your children will join us as often as possible.
*Jr. Congregation will not be held during secular holidays or school vacations

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Six days to BSI!

It's almost here: the start of our Beit Sefer Ivri year!  Books are here, teachers are busy preparing lesson plans and the shul is buzzing with excitement.  We can't wait to welcome back all of our students on August 24.  A couple quick reminders:

1.  CJCRS begins this Sunday, August 21, at Mizpah.  Please join your classmates at 9:30am for great Jewish learning.

2.  Shabbat Mishpacha is Friday night, August 26 at 6pm.  There will hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixin's for dinner.  Please RSVP by 8/24.

If you have any questions, be sure to be in touch.  See you on Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our BSI teaching staff for 2011-2012

Rabbi Cantor will begin teaching our Kochavim class (5th, 6th and 7th graders) this year. He will work on Hebrew, Prayer skills, Jewish history and more!
David Fairchild will join Jason Cathcart in teaching the Bagrut class (8th, 9th and 10th graders) and Confirmation class (11th and 12th graders) this year.
Jennifer Dzik will return to our Chaverim class (1st and 2nd graders) and Jackie Rosenfeld will return to the Chalutzim class (3rd and 4th graders).
Rachel Sadowitz will join our staff teaching the Gan class (Pre K and Kindergarten).

<== Did you see our countdown to BSI clock?
BSI begins August 24 at 4:30pm
Dinner following class

Thank you to all of our hosts from the USY on Wheels visit. They had an amazing time!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New things appearing all the time!

Our new blog allows us to do some fun things here.  A couple of additions to the BSI offering list:

1.  Check out our 2001-2012 Calendar on the right hand side. ====>

2.  The NEW Kiddush Society is up and ready for you to peek at.  It's a similar program to our popular Ashrei Society, but with Shabbat morning Kiddush instead.

3.  Our new Jr. Congregation program for this year will give you more opportunities to learn and pray together on Shabbat.  Details will be available soon, but the dates are already up on the right hand side also.  ====>

Make sure to register for BSI by clicking here.  Have a great week and I look forward to your feedback on our new blog and our new programs. :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The New Blog

Welcome to the new BSI Blog!

The goal of this blog is to share interesting thoughts about Jewish education, Conservative Judaism, B'nai Zion and BSI.  Every week, you'll be able to find our weekly schedule here plus some other fun things.

Over the next several weeks links and pages will be added.  This truly is an experiment and a a work in progress.  If you find something not working, please let me know so we can get it up and running.  

I hope you are all having a great summer and I look forward to seeing you back at BSI on August 24th at 4:30pm!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Have a Great Summer!

See you on August 24th!
Parents: Take our VERY SHORT survey to help us improve!

Things to think about

USY on Wheels, August 2
USY on Wheels is coming to B’nai Zion.  We are in need of 15-20 families to host 2 or more Wheelniks on Tuesday night, August 2.  USY on Wheels is a 6
1/2 week bus tour of the United States for 10th through 12th graders.  As part of the program, USY on Wheels uses home hospitality in communities all over the country.  We ask for families to provide a place for them to sleep and breakfast on Wednesday morning.  Please contact Jason Cathcart if your family can help: 894-8900 x103 or Bzedyouth@comcast.net.

Our Food Barrel
In an effort to remind our community of the need to feed the hungry, we have placed the food barrel in the McBrien Lobby.  Please feel free to bring canned goods and/or non perishable items to be donated to the Chattanooga Area Food bank.