Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Question of the Week

What is the official currency (money) used in Israel called?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, February 1
BSI, 4:30pm
for Pre-K through 7th Grade

Saturday, February 4
Junior Congregation, 10:00am

Sunday, February 5
CJCRS, 9:30am
Super Bowl Party, 6pm

Things to think about

ALL NEW: The BSI App for your smartphone
Get up to date announcements, question of the week, resources and more right on your smartphone!  Follow this link to install.

USY Convention is coming to B’nai Zion
We are in need of families to host 2 or more USY'ers the weekend of March 2-4, 2012.  The amazing weekend for those in grades 9-12 will bring together Jewish teenagers from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alabama.  The teens will be at B’nai Zion for the majority of the time.  They will sleep in hosts’ homes both Friday and Saturday night.  You will be responsible to provide a dairy breakfast Saturday morning and some snacks.  We also ask that you transport the teens to and from your home several times during the weekend.  All of their free time will be spent with the convention. You do not need to have teenagers presently living in your home to be a host. If you are able to help, please contact Jason ASAP.
Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Question of the Week

In a few weeks, we will read the Ten Commandments on Shabbat.  Which number commandment talks about honoring your father and mother?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, January 25
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade
Dinner begins at 6pm  

Friday, January 27
Shabbat Services and Dinner, 6:00pm

Saturday, January 28
Junior Congregation, 10:00am

Sunday, January 29
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

Shabbat Services and Dinner: Friday, Jan. 27 at 6:00pm 
Join us for a lively Shabbat service followed by dinner.  Start your Shabbat with your BZ family! The dinner menu includes meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chicken nuggets for the children, etc.  Vegetarian alternative available.  Please make your reservations by Wednesday, September 21.
Adults: $10.00, Youth 8-13: $5.00, Under 8: $3.00

USY Convention is coming to B’nai Zion
We are in need of families to host 2 or more USY'ers the weekend of March 2-4, 2012.  The amazing weekend for those in grades 9-12 will bring together Jewish teenagers from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alabama.  The teens will be at B’nai Zion for the majority of the time.  They will sleep in hosts’ homes both Friday and Saturday night.  You will be responsible to provide a dairy breakfast Saturday morning and some snacks.  We also ask that you transport the teens to and from your home several times during the weekend.  All of their free time will be spent with the convention. You do not need to have teenagers presently living in your home to be a host. If you are able to help, please contact Jason by January 18, 2012.
Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Question of the Week

Which book of the Torah did we start reading this past Shabbat?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, January 18
BSI, 4:30pm
for students Pre-K through 7th Grade 

Friday, January 20
Preschool Shabbat, 5:15pm

Saturday, January 21
Junior Congregation, 10:00am

Sunday, January 22
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

Preschool Shabbat: Friday, Jan. 20 at 5:15pm 
Join Jason Cathcart for an informal, interactive Shabbat service for families with children infant to 5 years of age.  Learn Shabbat songs and prayers, hear stories, and begin Shabbat together.  Age appropriate snack after services.  Please RSVP by Jan. 18. (no charge)

USY Convention is coming to B’nai Zion
We are in need of families to host 2 or more USY'ers the weekend of March 2-4, 2012.  The amazing weekend for those in grades 9-12 will bring together Jewish teenagers from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alabama.  The teens will be at B’nai Zion for the majority of the time.  They will sleep in hosts’ homes both Friday and Saturday night.  You will be responsible to provide a dairy breakfast Saturday morning and some snacks.  We also ask that you transport the teens to and from your home several times during the weekend.  All of their free time will be spent with the convention. You do not need to have teenagers presently living in your home to be a host. If you are able to help, please contact Jason by January 18, 2012.
Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Question of the Week

Tu b'Shevat is a minor Jewish holiday that is often called the "New Year of the Trees".  Tu b'Shevat occurs on which day of the month of Shevat?

Announcements for this Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, January 11
BSI, 4:30pm
for ALL STUDENTS Pre-K through 12th Grade 

Saturday, January 14
Junior Congregation, 10:00am

Sunday, January 15
CJCRS, 9:30am

Things to think about

BSI Dinner Postponed
The next BSI Dinner has been postponed until January 25.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

USY Convention is coming to B’nai Zion
We are in need of families to host 2 or more USY'ers the weekend of March 2-4, 2012.  The amazing weekend for those in grades 9-12 will bring together Jewish teenagers from Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Alabama.  The teens will be at B’nai Zion for the majority of the time.  They will sleep in hosts’ homes both Friday and Saturday night.  You will be responsible to provide a dairy breakfast Saturday morning and some snacks.  We also ask that you transport the teens to and from your home several times during the weekend.  All of their free time will be spent with the convention. You do not need to have teenagers presently living in your home to be a host. If you are able to help, please contact Jason by January 18, 2012.
Cough and Cold and Flu, Oh my!
It’s the time of year when many people are facing illness.  Please remember, if your child is sick enough to stay home from their public/private school, they should also stay home from Hebrew school.  If you have any questions, please contact Jason.

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and theKiddush Society.