Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Question of the Week

Summer is over and the school year has begun.  

How do you say the word "summer" in Hebrew?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, August 27
BSI, 4:30 PM
for students PreK through 7th grade

Sunday, August 31


Haven't registered yet?
What are you waiting for!

Click here to register your child (Pre K to 12th Grade) for the 2014/2015 Beit Sefer Ivri school year!



Things to think about

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Register for BSI! School starts next week!

Haven't registered yet?
What are you waiting for!

Click here to register your child (Pre K to 12th Grade) for the 2014/2015 Beit Sefer Ivri school year!

We can't wait to see you next week for the

First Day of BSI...
August 20, 2014
at 4:30 p.m.

Dinner to follow at 6:00 p.m.


Need us to mail you a registration form?
Click here to let us know!


Due to a shift in class sizes, we have restructured our classes for this year.  Please find a few details about each class below!

Gan – Pre-K and K
Teacher: Ms. Kedma (Christie Fine) 
Gan is an age appropriate, developmental introduction to our Hebrew School.  The children of Gan will experience Judaism through their five senses, forming lasting friendships and making personal connection through music, art, Torah stories and an introduction to the Hebrew Aleph-Bet.
(This class meets twice a month.) 

Chaverim – Grades 1, 2 & 3
Teacher: Rachel Sadowitz
Our Chaverim program lays the foundation for Jewish education by providing a variety of experience in Jewish observance.  Through hands-on learning, students will be introduced to Shabbat and holidays.  One aim of our Chaverim program is to provide opportunities for developing basic Hebrew decoding skills with a high level of success.

Chalutzim – Grades 4 & 5
Teacher: Rebecca Sadowitz
In Chalutzim, students will be endeavoring deeper into Hebrew, Tefillah, God, and Judaic studies.  They can look forward to exploring the narrative, values, and lessons of the Torah through experiential learning. 

Kochavim – Grades 6 & 7
Teacher: David Fairchild
Kochavim is the class that takes our students through B’nai Mitzvah.  Not only is Hebrew reading and Tefillah emphasized, but prayer leadership is developed in these years.  Delving deeper into finding spirituality and meaning in all things, holiday, history and everyday life is a part of Kochavim.  Our students will experience Jewish lifecycle events as well as the more recent history of Jewish people.

Bagrut - Grades 8, 9 & 10
Teacher: Jason Cathcart, Noa Hadad (Community Shalicha)
Beginning in 8th grade, Bagrut empowers students to journey along pathways to areas of Judaic thought previously unencountered in their studies. The Bagrut class will take what they have learned thus far and bring it forward into their adolescence. Our community shalicha teachers this class to expand the Israel curriculum of our school.
(This class meets twice a month.) 

Confirmation - Grades 11 & 12
Teacher: Rabbi Tendler, Noa Hadad (Community Shalicha)
Confirmation encourages students to develop a meaningful relationship with their “personal Judaism” while they are in high school and before they go off to college.  Confirmation teaches us that we are inextricably intertwined with other Jews and will always remain a part of our people.
(This class meets twice a month.) 

Should you have any questions about our classes this year, please contact Jason Cathcart.