Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 28
BSI, 4:30 PM
For students Pre K & K, ends at 6:00 PM
For students 1st-7th grade, ends at 6:30 PM
Minyan, 6:00 PM
Bagrut Webinar: What's Jewish about Food?, 7:00 PM

Saturday, October 31
Super-Sized Shabbat
See side bar for schedule

Sunday, November 1
CJCRS, 9:30 AM

Things to think about

Join us this Shabbat for...

October 31*

Mini-Minyan 10:30 to 11:15 AM (for Pre-K to 2nd grade)
Junior Congregation 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 3rd to 6th grade)
Bagrut 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 8th to 10th grade)

We will celebrate Shabbat through tefillah, hands-on learning, mentoring, study and games!
*Please note the change in date to this Shabbat

Our Shabbat attendance program requires all
students to attend a minimum of 12 Shabbat
services at our synagogue in the course of any given year. These include Jr. Congregation, High Holy Days, Super-Sized Shabbat, Friday nights or Saturday mornings. Any student meeting this goal will receive the Jr. Congregation Honor Roll prize at the end of the year

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

Question of the Week

Each hebrew letter also has a numerical value.  What number does the letter mem represent?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Question of the Week

We'll celebrate our annual Barnes & Noble Day on December 2.  It'll be a fun time as always with crafts, food, dreidel, songs and more.  
How many years in a row have we had this fantastic program?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 21
BSI, 4:30 PM
For students 1st-7th grade, ends at 6:30 PM
Minyan, 6:00 PM

Sunday, October 25
CJCRS, 9:30 AM

Wednesday, October 28
BSI, 4:30 PM
For students Pre K & K, ends at 6:00 PM
For students 1st-7th grade, ends at 6:30 PM
Minyan, 6:00 PM
Bagrut Webinar: What's Jewish about Food?, 7:00 PM

Things to think about

USY and Kadima Convention is a weekend full of fun, friends and amazing experiences.  This fall's convention will be held in Nashville, TN at West End Synagogue from November 6 to 8.  More than 75 USYers and Kadimaniks from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee will participate in this great event.
Click here for more information!

Join us for our next...

October 31*

Mini-Minyan - 10:30 to 11:15 AM (for Pre-K to 2nd grade)

Junior Congregation - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 3rd to 6th grade)

Bagrut - 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM (for 8th to 10th grade)
We will celebrate Shabbat through tefillah,
hands-on learning, mentoring, study and games!

*Please note the change in date to this Shabbat

Our Shabbat attendance program requires all
students to attend a minimum of 12 Shabbat
services at our synagogue in the course of any given year. These include Jr. Congregation, High Holy Days, Super-Sized Shabbat, Friday nights or Saturday mornings. Any student meeting this goal will receive the Jr. Congregation Honor Roll prize at the end of the year

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Question of the Week

Thanksgiving is coming up at the end of November.  What Jewish holiday is closely tied to the celebration of Thanksgiving?

Announcements for the Week

Weekly Calendar

Wednesday, October 14
BSI, 4:30 PM
For students Pre K & K, ends at 6:00 PM
For students 1st-7th grade, ends at 6:30 PM

Minyan, 6:00 PM

Sunday, October 18
CJCRS, 9:30 AM

Things to think about

USY and Kadima Convention is a weekend full of fun, friends and amazing experiences.  This fall's convention will be held in Nashville, TN at West End Synagogue from November 6 to 8.  More than 75 USYers and Kadimaniks from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee will participate in this great event.
Click here for
more information!

Join us for our next...

October 31*

10:30 to 11:15 AM
(for Pre-K to 2
nd grade)

Junior Congregation
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
(for 3
rd to 6th grade)

10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
(for 8
th to 10th grade)

We will celebrate Shabbat through tefillah,
hands-on learning, mentoring, study and games!

*Please note the change in date to this Shabbat

Our Shabbat attendance program requires all
students to attend a minimum of 12 Shabbat
services at our synagogue in the course of any given year. These include Jr. Congregation, High Holy Days, Super-Sized Shabbat, Friday nights or Saturday mornings. Any student meeting this goal will receive the Jr. Congregation Honor Roll prize at the end of the year

Ashrei and Kiddush Society Online
Want to learn the Ashrei?  Ever want to lead the Kiddush on Shabbat morning? Now you can learn it online!
Click below to start learning right away.
Become a member of the Ashrei Society and the Kiddush Society.