Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chalutzim class update (Grades 3/4)

As soon as BSI started, so did the Holidays. In light of Rosh Hashanah, we reflected on why we give service to others, how we can serve others on Rosh Hashanah. For Yom Kippur, we reflected on the different ways we show G-d how we atone and what things we would like to see in the upcoming year. We spent Sukkot with our Shelicha Hadas and other teachers visiting from our sister city Givatayim, Israel learning about the different meanings behind the parts of the lulav and etrog.

After the High Holy Days, we have been reading portions of the Talmud with an exercise from “You be the judge” that complements. So far, we have learned about Genesis and what kinds of charity and work can be done on Shabbat, Cain and Able and the power of words and their affect on people, and the tower of Babel.

We have been working a lot on Hebrew reading to work up to reading full prayers. We have been brushing up on the Aleph Bet and vowels to support the foundation of strong Hebrew reading skills. All of the students have shown improvement and we will be starting to learn the blessings of the Torah Service within the next few weeks. In the meantime, each student reads to the best of his or her abilities and the next student helps to correct them. Students who are struggling with the basics of Hebrew have peer tutors who have mastered the Hebrew exercise. I am a firm believer that when you teach someone a skill, your mastery of the skill increases greatly as well.

Rebecca Sadowitz

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