Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kochavim Class Update (Grades 5/6/7)

Recently a co-worker asked me to describe my BSI class. Because the class is comprised of 12 distinct personalities, I struggled to answer the question. Instead of describing the class, I chose to describe how the class makes me feel.

  •  Proud, because the students attend every Wednesday
  •  Enthusiastic, because the students are engaged
  •  Hopeful, because the students represent our future Jewish leaders

In an effort to reinforce the importance of Jewish learning, as a class we have been focusing on the following:

  •  Pirkei T’fillah, which so far includes Avot V’Imahot and G’vurot
  •  Reading and translating Hebrew prayers
  •  Jewish Holidays
  •  The Jewish Law Review (The Mishnah)

This year I also introduced journaling as a way for the students to see a progression of their thoughts and ideas as we explore Judaism.

I look forward to a year filled with Jewish learning. Should you have specific questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

David Fairchild

1 comment:

  1. David, Thanks for All you do! You are a GREAT teacher!
